The infamous beer-infused, casual, social, warm, raucous, fine, dandy, monthly London meet-up for web folk.

Pub Standards C

Was held at The Bricklayers Arms, London W1T 1QS

View on: OpenStreetMap, Google Maps

The ONE HUNDREDTH Pub Standards London event, anticipated since 2007.

Plan of action:

  • 12pm Lunch at The Bloomsbury Tavern
  • 1.30–2pm Get to the Bricklayer's and start drinking
  • 6–8pm Laugh at the latecomers who didn't book the day off work
  • 8pm AUCTION!
  • 8pm–10pm Burrito runs
  • 11.25pm What? Cocktails you say?

We'll be auctioning off a bunch of classic tech and startup stuff, including some schwag and an original baseball tshirt. All proceeds will go to

If you have anything you're happy to donate, bring it along!